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Create and Update Jindal School Webpages


The following steps are required for creating new or updating existing Jindal School webpages.

  1. Page owners — those who want to create new pages, have permission to do so and will be in charge of the pages after their creation — are responsible for creating the editorial (written) content and, to the extent possible, gathering the images, logos and other graphic-design elements needed for all their pages.
  2. The page owner should send the assembled materials electronically through a JIRA request to the Marketing Manager, for a review of the materials.
  3. After review, the materials will then be sent to the Communications Manager to edit.
  4. Once edited, materials will be sent to the Associate Dean for External Relations and Corporate Development, Diane McNulty, for final approval.
  5. Dean McNulty will, within five working days, review the materials for approval.
  6. The Marketing Manager will submit completed materials, via the Atlas work-order system, to the Jindal School Digital Services and Analytics team.
  7. The Jindal School Digital Services and Analytics team will build and submit completed pages to the page owner and to the assigned external affairs editor for review.
    1. If modifications are needed, the page owner, external affairs editor and Digital Services and Analytics team page builder will work together to make agreed-upon changes.
  8. Once all changes are made and agreed upon by the Digital Services and Analytics team, the page(s) will be posted to the Jindal School website.
  9. After posting, minor changes in pages — such as changes in wording in existing copy or replacing older photos with new ones — can be undertaken by the page owner without prior approval from Dean McNulty or her editors.
    1. Owners will use the Atlas work-order system to notify the Digital Services and Analytics team of the need for changes. The turnaround for change completion will be determined by the Digital Services and Analytics team and communicated to the page owner; typically, Atlas tickets are completed in five to six business days.


  • Any major design changes to existing webpages, such as the use of new or modified logos, and any major copy changes, such as the addition of new program descriptions, must be reviewed in advance of posting by following the steps outlined above.
  • All additions or changes to Jindal School’s Rankings webpage or any mention of rankings on other pages must be submitted to Senior Associate Dean and Dean McNulty for approval before posting.
  • All Jindal School webpages are subject to review two times a year at the discretion of Dean McNulty or Senior Associate Dean. For reviews, page owners will be responsible for reading all their pages and verifying that the content of each page, including logos, photos and contact information, is accurate and up to date and that all hyperlinks work properly. Page owners submit Atlas tickets for all necessary revisions.
  • It is each page owner’s responsibility to notify Dean McNulty or the Digital Services and Analytics team of any major deficiencies that need to be corrected or any major changes that need to be undertaken and to submit new or revised content to her and to the team.
  • It also is each page owner’s responsibility to initiate minor updates and changes via the Atlas work-order system. Page owners may create Atlas tickets at any time, as needed. The Digital Services and Analytics team may, at its discretion, ask the external affairs team to review the changes.

SEO Updates to Existing Webpages

When an update to an existing webpage is initiated by JSOM’s SEO Specialist, the following steps are required:

  1. SEO specialist sends suggestions to the content owner.
  2. Content owner approves or makes revisions.
  3. When both the SEO specialist and the content owner are satisfied with the results of the update, the SEO specialist sends the revisions to the marketing manager, for review.
  4. When the marketing manager has reviewed the document or made updates, she sends it to Diane McNulty for approval.
  5. When Diane McNulty has approved the update, she notifies the marketing manager, who then sends the approved document to the SEO specialist so that the page(s) can be updated.