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How to use Atlas System to Request Web Updates

Log into Atlas

Log into the Atlas system with your UT Dallas netID and password. Visit The Digital Services & Analytics service page.

Create an Atlas Request for a Website Update

For this tutorial, we will use JSOM Web Development. Once on this page, please click “Web Request“.

Your name should automatically populate in the Requestor field.

Please write a detailed title and description of your request or issue. Please be as descriptive as possible concerning the inquiry. Please include absolute URLs to any pages or applications you are referencing in the description field. Upload any reference files that are relevant, including screenshots if this is an issue.

Once you have entered your description, select the request type.

If you have selected website, please select the Jindal Website you need updated from the drop-down menu and select from “Update,” “Delete,” “Create,” or “Other,” and then input the exact page URL you need updated.

Last, add any Relevant Attachments. These can be reference documents or any media that should accompany your update.

Once your issue is submitted, you should receive email updates when anyone comments on or resolves your issue.