Academic Operations
Contacts and processes to request service provided by JSOM Academic Operations.
Alumni Relations
Keeping graduates connected to JSOM and supportive of the University.
Resources to guide you through the process of planning a successful university event.
External Relations
Contact the right person for the question, task or assistance that you're looking for.
Get help with reconciliation, budget, procurement, travel, and more!
Documentation and tutorials for using the custom apps available on JSOM Intranet.
Marketing and Communications
How to create and output strong marketing ideas across different media.
Tools and guidance for effectively reaching your audience across different platforms.
Develop leads with our customer relationship management services.
Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO, and how can you help people find your web page?
Social Media
Harness the power of social media and get measurable results.
Tech and Facilities
Learn about the JSOM Help Desk, Classroom Tech, Labs and Operations.
Web Services
Steps required to create new and update existing Jindal School Web pages.